Creating and altering your own materials, infuses your artwork with your own style. In this course, I’ll show you an easy way to create your custom materials using Gelli printing, aging paper with tea & instant coffee dying and earn a fun way to dress up driftwood. You will then pull together these materials to create two fun projects, a Creative Spirit Scroll and Geological Gem artwork.
Create an artist book while expanding your mixed media techniques
What makes your collage pieces unique, original and magical, is customizing your collage papers with your own artistic style. Creating your own collage papers is part of the fun. In this course, you'll learn a variety of unique techniques that will lead to exciting collage papers that are beyond ordinary.
Envision your goals, dreams or intentions and create prayer flags & a wall hanging vision board
Learn how to create two different types of fabric paper
Created & Narrated by Lisa Agaran
Asemic writing is markings whether it be scribbles, scratches, brush strokes, symbols or stitching that resemble handwritten words and sentences, but have no recognizable content, words or meaning. They are simply visual elements often used in mixed media and abstract artwork. The nature of asemic writing often results in patterns, therefore can be a way of incorporating texture to artwork. The process of Asemic writing takes us back to the primitive and child like scribbles before we learned how to write, helping us tap into our innate artistic nature. Because of its rhythmic and repetitive process, it can also be a mindful and meditative practice. Join me as we explore a variety of techniques utilizing different writing tools as well as explore different writing methods to shift the feel and look of your asemic writing. You will then use your pieces as collage material to pull together to create an abstract piece. All art experience welcome.
In this mini-course I’ll go over how you can begin to practice loving-kindness and self-compassion towards yourself. I take you through a guided visualization that will help you begin to experience what this feels like. Then I walk you through a series of journaling prompts to help you begin to gain more awareness and develop a more self-loving mindset.
Embodying vs. Resolutions for the New Year. Enjoy a FREE lesson to give you a taste of what you can experience when you join The Creative Spirit Connection. In this video lesson I walk you through a guided visualization, self-reflection exercises and art practice so you can get clear on what you want to embody in the New Year.