2 in 1

Two fun mixed media projects in 1!

Creative Spirit Scroll & Geological Gems

Creative Spirit Scroll

Creative Spirit is always there to support our inner artist and creative play. In this lesson you’ll create a small scroll infused with words to inspire your creative spirit. We’ll blend collage papers such as Gelli prints (View my free lesson Altering Your Own Materials), handmade papers, doodling and cheesecloth rolled into a scroll, anchored around a hand painted driftwood. I will also include some of my favorite creative spirit inspired quotes for you to printout and incorporate into your scroll.

Geological Gems

As long as I can remember, I’ve always been intrigued with pebbles and stones. Maybe because each one is its own artistic gem created by the hands of time and nature. If you look closely some of these aged beauties encapsulate a unique abstract art. Also, it also represents how beauty can be found in what is aged and weathered. In this lesson, we’re going to create art that has a geological feel through the use of watercolor and Gelli prints. We’ll also incorporate actual pebbles & stones into our completed art piece.

Create Your Own Mixed Media Materials

Tea Dying Printouts

Painted Driftwood

Geological Gelli Prints

Here's a peek inside

Available in days
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  Downloadable Materials List & printable quotes
Available in days
days after you enroll
  Creative Spirit Scroll
Available in days
days after you enroll
  Geological Gems
Available in days
days after you enroll

Meet Your Instructor

Lisa Agaran is a mixed media artist, instructor and Creative Spirit Mentor. Her work has been published in Incite, Dreams Realized: The Best of Mixed Media and Incite 3: The Art of Storytelling (North Light Books). She has shown her work through both solo and group shows throughout Southern California.

Lisa has a BFA from Art Center College of Design in Pasadena and a Masters in Psychology. Prior to her art career she worked as a licensed psychotherapist (Inactive), Creativity Coach and Graphic Designer. Lisa also taught one of the core certification courses (Building the Coaching Relationship with Creative Clients) at Creativity Coaching Association where she also trained under renown Creativity Coach Eric Maisel. 

Integrating both her artistic and psychology background Lisa’s worked with artists and creative professionals on their careers and creative process. 

From her own personal experience working in the studio and facing typical challenges with the creative process, Lisa understands first hand the struggles and blocks that keeps us from accessing our True Creativity Within

She believes everyone is born an artist. It’s how you stay connected to that innate desire to be creative as we become adults. Lisa believes when we connect to our creativity without judgment, expectations and the need for our art to be perfect or a master piece, we draw from a deep resource and connect to our creative intuition.

Taking time to honor your creative spirit is just as essential as a good night’s rest, exercise and eating right. It provides benefits both spiritually and mentally. Lisa believes any sort of creative practice, whether it’s writing, dancing or crafts, can be meditative and stress-reducing. It’s an activity that can ground us in our daily life. Therefore, Lisa encourages others to do something creative on a regular bases and not deprive oneself from access Creative Spirit. This can lead to a sense of inner wholeness and wellbeing. 

Lisa has been teaching both in-person and virtual workshops for the last 9 years. She also host and leads her signature retreat “Awaken the Invisible Power of Your Creativity” annually. For more information about Lisa and to view her artwork visit ArtbyLisaAgaran.com

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